Age of Empires II Civilizations
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The Franks are a cavalry civilization representing medieval France. Their powerful knights and economic bonuses make them a formidable force in both early aggression and late-game battles.
The Britons are an archer civilization representing medieval England. They excel at ranged combat and have strong economic bonuses for a powerful late game.
The Aztecs are an infantry and monk civilization representing the pre-Columbian Mesoamerican empire. They have a strong economy and powerful military units, especially in the early to mid-game.
The Mongols are a cavalry archer civilization representing the medieval Mongol Empire. They excel in mobile warfare and have strong hunting bonuses for a powerful early game.
The Byzantines are a defensive civilization representing the Eastern Roman Empire. They have strong buildings, excellent naval capabilities, and a powerful unique cavalry unit.
The Mayans are an archer civilization representing the pre-Columbian Mayan civilization. They have strong economic bonuses and excel in archer warfare.
The Celts are an infantry and siege civilization representing the Celtic peoples of Europe. They excel in infantry rushes and have powerful siege weapons.
The Persians are a cavalry civilization representing the various Persian empires. They have strong economic bonuses and powerful heavy cavalry units.
The Goths are an infantry civilization representing the East Germanic tribes. They excel in producing large numbers of cheap infantry units.
The Japanese are an infantry civilization representing medieval Japan. They have strong infantry and naval bonuses, making them versatile on both land and water maps.
The Teutons are a defensive civilization representing the medieval German states. They excel in creating strong defensive positions and have powerful heavy infantry and cavalry.
The Huns are a cavalry civilization representing the nomadic Hunnic Empire. They excel in early aggression and mobile warfare with their strong cavalry units.
The Vikings are a naval and infantry civilization representing the Norse seafarers. They excel in naval warfare and have strong economic bonuses.
The Chinese are a versatile civilization representing imperial China. They have a strong economy and powerful archer units, making them formidable in both early and late game.
The Koreans are a defensive and naval civilization representing the medieval Korean kingdoms.
The Spanish are a gunpowder and naval civilization representing the medieval Kingdom of Spain.
The Italians are an archer and naval civilization representing the medieval Italian states.
The Indians are a cavalry and gunpowder civilization representing the medieval Indian subcontinent.
The Incas are an infantry civilization representing the Inca Empire of South America.
The Magyars are a cavalry civilization representing medieval Hungary.
The Slavs are an infantry and siege civilization representing the medieval Eastern Slavic states.
The Portuguese are a naval and gunpowder civilization representing the medieval Kingdom of Portugal.
The Ethiopians are an archer and siege civilization representing the medieval Ethiopian Empire.
The Malians are an infantry and cavalry civilization representing the medieval Mali Empire.
The Berbers are a cavalry and naval civilization representing the medieval North African Berber states.
The Khmer are a siege and elephant civilization representing the medieval Khmer Empire.
The Malay are a naval and economic civilization representing the medieval maritime states of the Malay Archipelago.
The Vietnamese are an archer and economic civilization representing medieval Vietnam.
The Burmese are a monk and elephant civilization representing medieval Burma (Myanmar).
The Bulgarians are an infantry and cavalry civilization representing the First Bulgarian Empire and Second Bulgarian Empire.
The Cumans are a cavalry civilization representing the medieval Cuman-Kipchak confederacy.
The Lithuanians are a cavalry and monk civilization representing the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
The Tatars are a cavalry archer civilization representing various Turkic-Mongol states of Central Asia.
The Burgundians are a cavalry and economic civilization representing the Duchy of Burgundy during the Late Middle Ages.
The Sicilians are an infantry and defensive civilization representing the Kingdom of Sicily during the Norman period.
The Poles are a cavalry and economic civilization representing the medieval Kingdom of Poland.
The Bohemians are a gunpowder and monk civilization representing the medieval Kingdom of Bohemia.
The Dravidians are a naval and infantry civilization representing the medieval South Indian kingdoms.
The Bengalis are an elephant and naval civilization representing the medieval Bengal Sultanate and surrounding regions.
The Gurjaras are a cavalry and camel rider civilization representing the medieval kingdoms of Western India.
The Armenians are a monk and cavalry civilization representing the medieval Armenian kingdoms.
The Georgians are a defensive and monk civilization representing the medieval Kingdom of Georgia.
The Romans are an infantry and siege civilization representing the late Roman Empire.
The Hindustanis are a gunpowder and camel civilization representing the medieval Indian sultanates.
The Turks are a gunpowder civilization representing the Ottoman Empire. They excel in gunpowder units and have strong gold mining capabilities.