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The Japanese are an infantry civilization representing medieval Japan. They have strong infantry and naval bonuses, making them versatile on both land and water maps.

Historical Context

Medieval Japan was characterized by the rule of the samurai warrior class and the development of unique cultural and military traditions.

Unique Unit


An infantry unit that excels at defeating other unique units, making it a versatile counter unit in the late game.

Team Bonus

Galleys have +50% line of sight

Civilization Bonus

Fishing Ships have 2x HP and +2 pierce armor


  • Infantry attack 33% faster (starting in Feudal Age)
  • Lumber Camps, Mining Camps, and Mills are 50% cheaper
  • Fishing Ships work 5% faster in Dark Age, 10% in Feudal Age, 15% in Castle Age, 20% in Imperial Age

Unique Technologies

Yasama: Towers fire extra arrows

Kataparuto: Trebuchets fire and pack faster

Economy Bonus

Cheaper resource buildings and improved fishing ships provide a strong and flexible economy on both land and water maps.

Gameplay Tips

  • Utilize your faster attacking infantry for early aggression
  • Take advantage of cheaper resource buildings to expand your economy efficiently
  • On water maps, leverage your fishing ship bonuses for a strong early economy

