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Infantry and Siege
The Celts are an infantry and siege civilization representing the Celtic peoples of Europe. They excel in infantry rushes and have powerful siege weapons.
Historical Context
The Celts were a collection of Indo-European peoples in Europe during the Iron Age and Medieval period, known for their fierce warriors and rich culture.
Unique Unit
Woad Raider
A fast infantry unit with high attack, making it excellent for raiding and quick strikes against enemy economies.
Team Bonus
Siege Workshops work 20% faster
Civilization Bonus
Infantry move 15% faster
- Lumberjacks work 15% faster
- Siege weapons fire 25% faster
- Sheep cannot be stolen if within one tile of a unit
Unique Technologies
Stronghold: Castles and towers fire 25% faster
Furor Celtica: Siege Workshop units have +40% HP
Economy Bonus
Faster working lumberjacks provide a strong wood economy, allowing for quicker building and unit production.
Gameplay Tips
- Use your faster-moving infantry for effective rushes
- Leverage your siege bonus to quickly take down enemy buildings
- Protect your sheep early game to maximize your food economy