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The Britons are an archer civilization representing medieval England. They excel at ranged combat and have strong economic bonuses for a powerful late game.

Historical Context

The Britons in this context represent the English during the Middle Ages, known for their use of the longbow in warfare, particularly during the Hundred Years' War.

Unique Unit


An archer with exceptional range, capable of outranging most other units and even some defensive structures.

Team Bonus

Archery Ranges work 20% faster

Civilization Bonus

Foot archers +1 range in Castle Age, +2 in Imperial Age (excluding Skirmishers)


  • Town Centers cost -50% wood starting in Castle Age
  • Foot archers (except Skirmishers) have +1 range in Castle Age and +2 in Imperial Age
  • Shepherds work 25% faster

Unique Technologies

Yeomen: Foot archers +1 range, towers +2 attack

Warwolf: Trebuchets 100% accuracy, +1 splash damage radius

Economy Bonus

Faster working shepherds and cheaper Town Centers allow for strong early economy and rapid expansion in the mid-game.

Gameplay Tips

  • Focus on massing archers early in the game
  • Use your cheaper Town Centers to expand quickly in the Castle Age
  • Utilize your superior range to outmatch other archer civilizations

