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Archers and Siege


The Ethiopians are an archer and siege civilization representing the medieval Ethiopian Empire.

Historical Context

The Ethiopian civilization represents the Ethiopian Empire during the Middle Ages, known for its unique culture and military traditions.

Unique Unit

Shotel Warrior

A fast-moving infantry unit with high attack but low armor, ideal for raiding.

Team Bonus

Towers and Outposts +3 line of sight

Civilization Bonus

Archers fire 18% faster


  • Receive +100 gold and +100 food when advancing to the next age
  • Pikemen and Halberdier upgrades free
  • Archers fire 18% faster

Unique Technologies

Royal Heirs: Shotel Warriors train nearly instantly

Torsion Engines: Increases blast radius of Siege Workshop units

Economy Bonus

Receiving resources upon advancing to a new age provides a significant boost at key moments in the game.

Gameplay Tips

  • Use your archer fire rate bonus for strong archer rushes
  • Leverage the free Pikeman upgrade for cost-effective anti-cavalry
  • Take advantage of the resource bonus when advancing ages for smoother build orders

