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Infantry and Siege


The Romans are an infantry and siege civilization representing the late Roman Empire.

Historical Context

The Roman civilization represents the late Roman Empire, particularly the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) period, known for its advanced military tactics, siege warfare, and enduring legacy.

Unique Unit


A powerful infantry unit that provides attack and armor bonuses to nearby allied units, representing skilled Roman commanders.

Team Bonus

Siege units +15% HP

Civilization Bonus

All units cost -15% gold


  • Siege units move 15% faster
  • Receive +100 gold when advancing to the next age
  • Barracks units +1 armor per age (starting in Feudal Age)

Unique Technologies

Testudo Formation: Infantry units gain +2 pierce armor when not moving

Pax Romana: Villagers work 10% faster for each allied player

Economy Bonus

The gold discount on all units allows for more cost-effective military production and technology research.

Gameplay Tips

  • Use your gold discount to field expensive units more easily
  • Leverage your siege movement speed for more effective pushes
  • Take advantage of extra gold when aging up for smoother age transitions

