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Archers and Naval


The Italians are an archer and naval civilization representing the medieval Italian states.

Historical Context

The Italian civilization represents the various powerful city-states and maritime republics of medieval Italy, known for their naval prowess and advanced technology.

Unique Unit

Genoese Crossbowman

An archer unit that excels against cavalry, with bonus damage against mounted units.

Team Bonus

Condottiero available in barracks in Imperial Age

Civilization Bonus

All age upgrades are 15% cheaper


  • Fishing Ships cost -15%
  • Gunpowder units cost -20%
  • Dock and University technologies cost -33%

Unique Technologies

Pavise: Foot archers and Condottieri +1 armor

Silk Road: Trade units cost -50%

Economy Bonus

Cheaper age upgrades allow for faster advancement through the ages and earlier access to new technologies and units.

Gameplay Tips

  • Use your cheaper age upgrades to advance quickly
  • Leverage your naval and fishing bonuses on water maps
  • Take advantage of cheaper gunpowder units in the late game

