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Gunpowder and Camels


The Hindustanis are a gunpowder and camel civilization representing the medieval Indian sultanates.

Historical Context

The Hindustani civilization represents various medieval Indian sultanates, known for their use of gunpowder weapons, skilled cavalry, and rich trading networks.

Unique Unit


A heavy infantry unit with high pierce armor, effective against ranged units and in melee combat.

Team Bonus

Camel units +5 attack vs. buildings

Civilization Bonus

Villagers cost -10% food per age (starting in Feudal Age)


  • Camel units and Elephant Archers cost -25% food
  • Fishermen work 10% faster
  • Can build Caravanserais in Imperial Age

Unique Technologies

Grand Trunk Road: All gold income +10%

Shatagni: Hand Cannoneers +2 range

Economy Bonus

Progressively cheaper villagers allow for significant savings in food throughout the game, enabling faster expansion and military production.

Gameplay Tips

  • Use your cheaper villagers for faster economic growth
  • Leverage your food discount on Camels and Elephant Archers for cost-effective armies
  • Take advantage of Caravanserais in the late game for additional gold income

