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Defensive and Naval


The Koreans are a defensive and naval civilization representing the medieval Korean kingdoms.

Historical Context

The Korean civilization in the game represents various Korean dynasties, known for their naval power and defensive capabilities.

Unique Unit

War Wagon

A heavily armored ranged cavalry unit, effective against large groups of enemies.

Team Bonus

Fortifications +2 line of sight

Civilization Bonus

Villagers have +3 line of sight


  • Stone miners work 20% faster
  • Guard Tower and Keep upgrades are free
  • Towers fire 25% faster

Unique Technologies

Eupseong: Towers and Fortifications +2 range

Shinkichon: Mangonel-line +1 range

Economy Bonus

Faster stone mining allows for quicker construction of defensive structures and faster advancement to stone walls.

Gameplay Tips

  • Use your tower bonuses to create strong defensive positions
  • Leverage your naval bonuses on water maps
  • Take advantage of faster stone mining for quicker fortifications

