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Naval and Infantry


The Dravidians are a naval and infantry civilization representing the medieval South Indian kingdoms.

Historical Context

The Dravidian civilization represents various South Indian kingdoms known for their naval prowess, advanced metallurgy, and unique military units.

Unique Unit

Urumi Swordsman

An infantry unit wielding a flexible sword, effective against groups of enemies.

Team Bonus

Docks +5 LOS

Civilization Bonus

Fishing Ships have +10 carry capacity


  • Wood and Food cost of Barracks and Dock techs -50%
  • Receive +200 wood when advancing to the next age
  • Infantry and Elephant units +1 pierce armor per age (starting in Feudal Age)

Unique Technologies

Medical Corps: Elephant units regenerate 20 HP per minute

Wootz Steel: Infantry and Elephant units deal +1 damage per attack

Economy Bonus

Receiving wood when advancing ages and having more efficient fishing ships provides a significant economic advantage throughout the game.

Gameplay Tips

  • Leverage your fishing ship bonus for a strong early game economy on water maps
  • Use your infantry and elephant pierce armor bonus to counter archer civilizations
  • Take advantage of cheaper Barracks and Dock technologies for cost-effective military upgrades

