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Infantry and Cavalry


The Teutons are a defensive civilization representing the medieval German states. They excel in creating strong defensive positions and have powerful heavy infantry and cavalry.

Historical Context

The Teutons represent the various German states and the Holy Roman Empire during the Middle Ages, known for their heavily armored knights and strong castles.

Unique Unit

Teutonic Knight

A heavily armored infantry unit with high attack and armor but low speed, making it excellent for holding strategic positions.

Team Bonus

Units resist conversion

Civilization Bonus

Towers can garrison twice as many units


  • Monks have 2x healing range
  • Murder Holes is free
  • Farms cost 40% less

Unique Technologies

Ironclad: Siege weapons +4 melee armor

Crenellations: Castles have +3 range and can shoot arrows even without garrison

Economy Bonus

Cheaper farms allow for a strong and stable food economy throughout the game.

Gameplay Tips

  • Use your cheaper farms to build a strong food economy
  • Leverage your defensive bonuses to create strong, well-protected bases
  • Utilize Teutonic Knights as powerful, albeit slow, shock troops

