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The Huns are a cavalry civilization representing the nomadic Hunnic Empire. They excel in early aggression and mobile warfare with their strong cavalry units.

Historical Context

The Huns were a nomadic people who invaded Europe in the 4th and 5th centuries, known for their skilled horsemen and the conquests of Attila the Hun.

Unique Unit


A cavalry unit that excels at destroying buildings, making it excellent for raiding and dismantling enemy defenses.

Team Bonus

Stables work 20% faster

Civilization Bonus

Houses are not required to support population


  • Cavalry Archers cost -25% wood
  • Trebuchets are 35% more accurate
  • Start with -100 wood, but +100 food

Unique Technologies

Marauders: Create Tarkans at Stables

Atheism: Spies/Treason cost -50%, +100 years for enemy Relics and Wonders to count for victory

Economy Bonus

Not requiring houses saves significant wood and villager time throughout the game, allowing for faster expansion and military production.

Gameplay Tips

  • Take advantage of not needing houses by being aggressive early
  • Use your wood savings on Cavalry Archers to mass them quickly
  • Leverage your faster working Stables to out-produce opponents in cavalry battles


Cavalry Archers