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Cavalry and Monks
The Lithuanians are a cavalry and monk civilization representing the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Historical Context
The Grand Duchy of Lithuania was the largest state in Europe during the Late Middle Ages, known for its powerful cavalry and pagan traditions.
Unique Unit
A cavalry unit that ignores all armor of the target it attacks, making it effective against heavily armored units.
Team Bonus
Monasteries work 20% faster
Civilization Bonus
Start with +150 food
- Each Town Center provides +1 attack for Knights and Leitis (maximum +5)
- Spearman-line and Skirmishers move 10% faster
- Hill Boni removed
Unique Technologies
Tower Shields: Spearman-line and Skirmishers +1 pierce armor
Lithuanian Druzhinnik: Leitis +2 attack
Economy Bonus
Starting with extra food allows for faster initial development and flexibility in early game strategies.
Gameplay Tips
- Use the starting food bonus for early economic development or quick military production
- Build multiple Town Centers to boost your Knight and Leitis attack
- Leverage your faster moving Spearmen and Skirmishers for better map control