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The Mayans are an archer civilization representing the pre-Columbian Mayan civilization. They have strong economic bonuses and excel in archer warfare.

Historical Context

The Maya civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization noted for its art, architecture, mathematics, calendar, and astronomical system.

Unique Unit

Plumed Archer

A fast-moving archer unit with good pierce armor, making it excellent for hit-and-run tactics and raiding.

Team Bonus

Walls cost -50%

Civilization Bonus

Resources last 15% longer


  • Archers cost -10% in Feudal Age, -20% in Castle Age, -30% in Imperial Age
  • Villagers carry +5 resources
  • Start with 1 extra villager, but -50 food

Unique Technologies

Obsidian Arrows: Archer-line units +6 attack vs. buildings

El Dorado: Eagle Warriors +40 HP

Economy Bonus

Starting with an extra villager and having resources last longer provides a strong economic advantage throughout the game.

Gameplay Tips

  • Use your resource bonus to outlast opponents in long games
  • Mass archers early due to their cost effectiveness
  • Utilize Plumed Archers for their mobility and effectiveness against infantry

