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Archers and Economy
The Vietnamese are an archer and economic civilization representing medieval Vietnam.
Historical Context
The Vietnamese civilization represents various Vietnamese dynasties during the Middle Ages, known for their resistance against foreign invasions and unique military strategies.
Unique Unit
Rattan Archer
An archer unit with high pierce armor, making it especially effective against other archers.
Team Bonus
Imperial Skirmisher upgrade available in Imperial Age
Civilization Bonus
Reveal enemy positions at game start
- Archery Range units have +20% HP
- Conscription is free
- Reveal enemy positions at game start
Unique Technologies
Chatras: Battle Elephants have +100 HP
Paper Money: Lumberjacks generate gold in addition to wood
Economy Bonus
Revealing enemy positions at the start of the game allows for better early game planning and potential rush strategies.
Gameplay Tips
- Use your knowledge of enemy positions for early scouting advantages
- Leverage your tankier archers for strong archer pushes
- Take advantage of free Conscription for faster unit production in the late game